Choosing Lottery Numbers


Results Thu 13th March

7 25 33 51 58 70 31 79

Next Jackpot: €85,600,000

Next Draw: Wed 16th Dec

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There are many formulas that people use when they choose lottery numbers for the game that they want to play and unfortunately, although it can be great fun to find different ways to increase your chances of a lottery win, most of these methods have no proof of being successful. The most popular way of choosing lottery numbers is by far using birthdays or age combinations of family members etc and many people who choose lottery numbers in this way tend to prefer use the same ones each time they play.

An alternative way to choose lottery numbers quickly without having to decide which ones to pick is to use the option of letting a machine or the internet choose lottery numbers for you, which depends on how you buy your tickets. Again, to choose lottery numbers in this way gives you no extra chance of a win, but it can take the dilemma out of having to choose lottery numbers yourself. The term for using this method to choose lottery numbers in widely known as a Quick Pick on most US lottery games like the Lottery Florida and in the UK it is known as a Lucky Dip. But each individual lottery has its own name for it.

Another formula that people have been known to use to choose lottery numbers is a Lottery Wheel. This can be a complicated way of trying to increase your chances of a win. This is when a player will buy several lottery tickets and when they choose lottery numbers they arrange them in a certain way which will guarantee them a win if the draw results fall within a certain range of numbers. Again this is a very complicated way to choose lottery numbers and one that only dedicated lottery players would embark on due to the complexity of using such a system.